Friday, January 28, 2011

Bit of a silly rant here, and I know I have probably posted about this before, but as a friendly reminder I would like every to know that Facebook is stupid. It will be in the history books as one of the causes of global stupidity a la Idiocracy: It is like a shortcut to personality. Telling everyone in your friends list something at the same time robs you of the storytelling craft, and the human interaction that makes you who you are. Also, I am sure there are people in your friends list that do not need to know or care what you have done. I would also go a step further and claim that there are people in your friends list that are not even really your friend. There are probably even people who have completely exchanged human interaction and the art of storytelling with simple facebook entries, but hey, at least they have over 200 "friends".

Facebook is free. What? No, of course it is not really free. There are all types of ads on there, that of course, Facebook gets tons of cash for. Facebook gets it, not you, even though you are the one viewing the ads. Recent articles have shown Facebook to be worth 50 billion dollars. How much of that money do you get for being a member? Exactly none. Seems like a bit of a rip off to me.

They also have awesome games like some kinda farm shit, some kinda vampire shit, and some kinda mafia shit. Games where you have to keep playing to stay ahead of your friends (all the while showing you more ads), and if you ever stop playing, you probably feel bad about it. Great, now Facebook is having a negative impact on you.

Here is a small sample of some things I found on Facebook in less than 10 seconds:

"Jeff is now friends with Alex" - Great, two people I don't know are now fucking friends. Maybe they can queer off together and go ride a merry-go-round.

"thank god it's fridayyy :)" - Clearly the world's next Shakespeare.

"God damn. I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE TO COOK!" - Good, go fucking do it and shut up.

"wishing i was in a dead sleeep." - I wish you were just dead.

But hey, at least you can "poke" your "friends". GREAT! Tell you what, next time you are about to poke someone on Facebook, invite me over and I will poke you right in the eye, and we will both have something interesting to share with our friends.

I do also get the irony of posting this in an article format for the world to read at the same time, but this is not something that I haven't told everyone I know already. Also, I can assure you there was 10 times more thought put into this rant than ANYTHING you have EVER posted on Facebook. I would challenge you to go back to 6 weeks ago and assess maybe three things you posted on Facebook, and see if you feel they have any redeeming value. ...See, now you feel like some kind of asshole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog when I typed in Biaviian on google. I have a symbol. What do I think now after all these years? Well, one..i have aged, thank god. Two,I have grown, in more ways than one, no thanks on that one. Three, there are way to many meanings for everything. Anyhow, I continued to read some of your posts and enjoyed some good laughs. Like the way you write. Facebook one was true and funny, even though I did join, however I don't miss the games! Now back to the real fun and my house. Enjoy the day, Annette Wald