Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sad. My once mighty and bountiful blog has dwindled to virtually nothing. I am still in a creative lull. I think part of it is due to my shitty job. I essentially work alone, and on my days off, I am at home alone. When I am on night shift, I am alone almost all the time. On a lighter note, I have been 'being' and not 'having' for a while now and I am enjoying it. If you don't know what that means, then read a the last few posts and you will understand. I have been collecting a few notes for potential posts, and then not following through on them. So instead of making any sense here, I will just spout out a collection of random thoughts and you can do with them what you will.

I temporarily became a "beardo". I had a lengthy strange beard. People would see me then say oh wow, you have a huge beard. Then one day I shaved it off and went with the clean shaven look for a while. Then people would say oh wow, you are clean shaven. I guess I have the ability to change my look around at will. Some days I get carded for buying beer, other days not, depending on how I look that day.

Taking food from people, particularly at work, is something I practically never do. When someone walks up at work and says, "Hey, my wife made this cake, here have some", I ALWAYS refuse. I am now working on saying yes instead of no. One time at work, dude brought in a cake, everyone (excluding me) ate the cake. Once the cake was gone someone pointed out the 12 inch hair stuck to the top of the cake plate where the cake used to be. They are freaked out, while I just laughed and laughed. It would be virtually impossible for that hair to harm them, particularly since it was still on the plate, but the thought of it grossed them out.

In the same vein as my post on food technology, I started pondering fishing technology. I noticed that fishing technology seems to have advanced, but perhaps not necessarily in a good way. You can spend a lot of money on the brand new doo dads and gizmos. You can buy a super spoonbill chartreuse magic diving battery operated lure featuring 14 treble hooks and a 3-way scatter pattern offset for x amount of dollars. You can buy the latest and greatest rod and reel for XXX amount of dollars. You could even buy a fancy boat for XX,XXX amount of dollars. However, my grandpa could catch the same fish, perhaps even larger in size and more in quantity than you could, by sitting on the bank with the lowest model rod and reel anyone has ever produced, a shitty rusted hook he found stuck in a tree at a fishing spot, and an earth worm he dug out of the ground for free with his bare hands.

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