Friday, July 4, 2008

Wow, its been two weeks since I last posted. A new record! The truth is nothing has been happening that has been newsworthy.

I have noticed lately that I feel 'guilty', for lack of a better term, when I waste time. Today for example, is the 4th of July. Short of that fact, it is just Friday. My main normal festivities for the holiday take place tomorrow. Then Sunday, I am going shooting guns, so its not like the entire weekend is just wasted. Instead of doing something on the holiday itself, I am using the other days for activities, yet I still feel almost retarded for just sitting around doing nothing. It is summer time, and its Texas, so its almost 100 degrees, and the humidity is high, so going outside is damn near unbearable. Plus, I know I will be outside most of the day tomorrow, as well as Sunday.

It seems that it is perfectly ok to just do nothing on a today like today, but I just can't stand it. All of my friends are doing various things today, and I sort of wish I would have joined them, but on the other hand, they won't be doing something for the two following days, so they likely will be doing tomorrow, what I am doing today. As much as I sort of regret doing nothing today, I think I might regret it more if I did something yesterday, today, tomorrow, and Sunday, because then on Monday I would be dragging ass all day wondering why I didn't use one of the days for R&R. Potentially I would even have taken Monday off to recover from the long weekend full of activities, which would suck. Burning a vacation day to recover is always shitty, plus, by doing so, I would essentially be wasting more time. 8-)

I suppose I am just over-analyzing the situation. So what if I just sit around.

Speaking of wasting time, and I am not sure why this just lept into my mind, but I started thinking the other day about how animals may lead better lives than humans. In particular, I am referring to squirrels. I see an inordinate amount of squirrels now, since I do my daily commute on my motorbike. [80 MPG bitches!, suck it OPEC] A squirrel does not have to be anywhere at any particular time. A squirrel does not have to stress about a shitty boss, or deadlines. A squirrel does not worry about money. A squirrel is free to wake up and/or go to sleep whenever the hell it feels like it. So just about any type of human function that requires attention, the squirrel does not have to deal with. Squirrels generally, in my opinion, appear to be happy woodland creatures.

Nextly, squirrels seem to live an exciting life. Clearly no one can be exactly sure what type of emotions squirrels may or may not posses, but they are seemingly timid creatures. They spend their time just sort of hanging around, looking for food, and doing whatever seems like a good plan at that time. It would seem that this pattern is interrupted several times each and every day by some sort of amazing situation that requires them to do amazing things. Whether it is a predator, or a car on the road, or any other sort of danger, they spring into action, make amazingly quick decisions, albeit sometimes the wrong one, and generally are able to get out of hairy scenarios. Can you imagine a few times a day almost being hit by a fuckin car, or a huge dog chasing you, or perhaps walking 35 feet in the air on a thin tree branch of some sort of cable? Your life would be incredible!

A lot of the squirrels I see are are flat as a pancake on the road. I'm really not all that certain that this sux for the squirrel. If you are trying to evade certain death from the wheel of a fast moving car, I would imagine that you are so amazingly high on adrenaline, that you don't feel a thing. What a way to go.

I suppose it possible that squirrels have the ability to reason, have memories, have to make decisions, and are capable of thoughts similar to those of humans, and just lack the equipment for manipulating items with an opposable thumb, or the ability to communicate through voice based speech, which could result in their lives being quite similar to human life forms, and the stresses that come with it, but even if this is the case, they appear to lead lives like some sort of adventure heroes that we can only enjoy through various media.

It is for these reasons, that if I were forced to choose an animal to be, I may very well choose squirrel. Go team squirrel.

"If you can't see it, it can't hurt you."
--Cody Wayne Adams 1992

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