Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wow, Wednesday night we had a major power outage in the data center at work. I went in at midnight, and had to stay until around 9:00am. The upside, if there is one, is that I didn't have to work Thursday during the day, but I guess I had already worked more hours that day then I would have had I worked normal hours. Another downside is that Game 1 of the playoffs in my hockey league were Thursday night. Although I showed up on a real screwed up sleep schedule, I played a fantastic game. Unfortunately, we still lost.

Friday after work I went to Northaven Nursery in Dallas and bought a rose shrub to match the other one I already had, and two Blue Arrow Junipers to replace some really shitty shrubs they installed when I bought my house. While I was there, it came to our attention that we were there technically after they closed. This is an interesting subject, and I have some strong opinions about the subject of going somewhere after they close, or staying later than the posted business hours. I will make a note, and cover that next time though.

Saturday was game 2 of the 3 game series for my hockey league's playoffs. I did not have as good a game as I did Thursday, but I still played decent, and clearly better than other people on my team. Unfortunately, we lost game 2 and only won 2nd place in the league. We did receive a trophy for second place, so I suppose it was not a total shitter, but obviously winning is much finer. At least we made it tot he championship series, which is fairly exciting.

Sunday after breakfast, we installed the two rose shrubs and the two Blue Arrow Junipers. This took most of the day. We will have to keep them watered daily to make sure the transplant "takes". Hopefully, everything will work out and in a few months, it will look spectacular. The trees are a little smallish, but they will certainly grow in nicely over the next few years, and it is a major improvement over what was there before.

I seem to be quite bust lately so I have not felt lazy at all. This is a good transition into a non lazy phase. I am taking Friday off to make beer. I bought a cream ale kit which is an extract version of cream ale, so it should be a snap. Then, Monday is Memorial Day so no work that day either.This should make for a nice, extra long, much needed weekend experience where I have plans whatsoever. Hockey is over and my landscaping is taken care of. I will probably take the opportunity to spend time with some friends. Good times.

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