Thursday, May 24, 2007

I took today off from work. I called in sick. Really I emailed in sick, since I don't have to call in. I am not ill per se, but I am sick of working, so to me, that counts. I don't think anyone could argue with that logic. Anyway, I took a vacation day tomorrow, and Monday is Memorial day, so nice long weekend for me. I used today to mow my yard, edge, blow, etc.. My friend from Austin came in to town for his brother's high school graduation, so we went and played disc golf. If you have never heard of such a thing, you can check it out at Basically, its gold with discs. You play 18 holes, you have to put the disc into the "hole", which is a specially designed basket. It is just as much exercise and just as challenging as regular golf. Anyway, it was a blast.

I have noticed that my blogs have become more of a notepad for things I am doing and stuff like that. That was not really my intention when I started this. I think those things are okay and will continue, but I am going to start including more content like I did early on. I'll start right now with a quick passage about business hours.

Have you ever gone to a place after their official business hours, and just walked right in ignoring them, or thought, I already know what I want, so this will only take a minute. If you have, then you are probably some kind of asshole. I think business hours should be respected by everyone. I know that I personally hate it really bad when someone comes up to me when I am about to leave work, and expects me to help them. I usually try to explain that I am leaving and can help them first thing in the morning, or point them to someone else that is going to be there for a while that can help. Most people understand this and have no problem with it, but some don't, and they create a situation where they come across as a real sphincter, and set themselves up for future bad service.

In my opinion, this translates to all business. If a restaurant closes at 10:00pm, and you walk in at 9:55pm, then yeah, technically they should have no problem whatsoever serving you. No one should start cleaning the restaurant until exactly 10:00pm, and at that time, the exterior doors should be locked to where they are exit only. If you show up at 10:01pm, you are too late, go home.

The reason this came about is because last week when I was buying trees, a lady walked up to us and asked us if there is anything she could do to help. We told her we were just looking and she said okay, no problem, it was just that they were finishing the cleanup process for the day. I asked her what time they closed and she said 6:00pm. It was currently 6:35pm. It turns out that we had arrived after they were already closed. We felt like complete douche bags. The lady was not rude in any way, and I apologized and explained that we didn't know what time they closed. Also, in all fairness, their business hours sign was a regular sized sheet of paper kinda off away from the door, so we didn't even see it. It was really not a big deal, there were other people there looking at stuff as well, so we weren't the only ones keeping them there. We quickly grabbed what we needed, checked out, and left.

We live in a society that whether it be good or bad, has general rules of thumb that all people should follow. It is really common sense. If the place is closed, do not go there. If you want to go there anyway, and the people shit on you, you have no right to complain. Perhaps I should write a book of these basic unwritten general societal rules that people have either forgotten about, or choose to ignore for their own benefit. I could call the book "You Are Probably Some Kind of Asshole". I would have to change the name to something like "You Are Probably Some Kind of ---hole." Then as a hook, have the subtitle be "What You Are Doing That Makes Someone Else Angry". That way it could be on the shelf at any book store. Ironically, having to change the title of the book would probably be a chapter in the book. 8-)

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