Sunday, March 1, 2009

Two quick things I have been pondering lately...

1. When is the last time you found yourself inside a library, public or otherwise? Do people really even go to the library anymore? And if so, why? I do not believe I have been into a library since I was in college circa 1993-94. That, of course, pre-dated the internet. The internet back then was an elusive cloud of mystery, that boggled everyone's mind. I suppose it could be useful still for entertaining small children in an educational manner, or perhaps for people who are extraordinarily poor or perhaps just really cheap. I like books and all, but honestly, these days, I will just read them on the computer or buy my own. I have heard of people going to the library to use the internet, but even that seems a little odd these days, when computers can be had for literally next to nothing. I could probably assemble a computer out of shitty old parts that would browse the interwebs just fine and give it to someone for free, just to convince them NOT to go to the library. What does this all mean? Who fucking knows, but let's face the facts here... if you go to the library, you're an asshole!

2. Do you have any exposure to mentally challenged people? OK, just kidding, fuck it, I mean retards. I spent the better part of my life avoiding retarded people. If I saw one, I would try to escape and go a different direction, so as to avoid the interaction. I always kinda felt weird for avoiding them. There were a few kids in my school that were pretty bad off, and my friends and I pretty much welcomed them as normal friends, so its not like I do not like these people, its just that as I got older, I seemed to shy away, and I am not sure why.

There is a new show on MTV called "How's your news?", and it is a travelling news show that features only challenged folks of all sorts. Some cannot communicate at all, only spewing gibberish followed up at the end with the word "booya", some have physical issues, but can communicate just fine. Some are borderline vegetative. I enjoy the show thoroughly. I do not laugh at the people's misfortune, I am happy to see them as a part of society and applaud their efforts, as well as MTV for giving them a forum to shine. It is a comical show, seeing people reactions to them, as well as their own special brand of comedy. I highly recommend the show to everyone.

So, last night at my hockey game, on the way into the locker room, I see a guy that has down syndrome or some other type of issue, and he waves at me. I wave back and keep going on my way. He walks all the way over to intercept me to give me a high 5. I high 5 back and ask him how its going and everything. A pleasant interaction. In my mind, I am thinking "Wow, that 'How's Your News' show has reignited my indifference to retarded people, excellent!". I few minutes later, as my teammates and I were getting dressed for the game, he comes in to the locker room and hangs out for a while... randomly. It was a little bizarre, not because he was retarded, but because someone was visiting a men's locker room, it would have been just as odd if it were anyone. So he checks out some of our various equipment, and asks various questions in that stereotypical "retarded" type of accent. Later he introduces himself, and asks our names and stuff. It was all perfectly normal, and we did not care in the least that he was 'special'. A few minutes later, a young boy maybe 9 or 10 years old comes in, and says "Jimmy, get out of there... you are not supposed to wander off, and if you do, you are supposed to tell mom where you are going." He then proceeds to lead Jimmy away.

Anyway, so it was a positive interaction with Jimmy. Next time I see him, I will give him another high 5, and acknowledge that I recognize him, and it will bring both of us joy. So in summary, next time you see a person that has some sort of challenge, pretend that their issues to do not exist, and treat them like a normal person, or I will kick you square in the fucking nutzack.

Lots of shit coming down the way, so there should be a dramastic increase in post count soon.

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