Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I had another weird/classic dream. You may or may not remember the last one I had. You can read all about it here.

In my most recent odd dream, I invented the perfect story. In the dream, the story was so perfect that I knew it could easily be made into an award winning movie. It was one of those stories with a lot of twists and turns, and a huge surprise ending. Everyone I told the story to absolutely freaked out and said it was the most amazing story ever. Someone in the dream recommended that make sure that I do not forget the story when I woke up, since I had invented it while I was asleep. So in the dream, I spent the next few days trying absolutely as hard as I could to memorize the story. I wrote the story down on paper a few times a day, with notes in the margins not to forget the story when I woke up. I told more and more people the story, each one more impressed than the last, and I told each listener to remember the story because I might need them to help me with the details later if I forgot for some reason.

I might need to mention here, in case it is not clear, that the story in the dream was real. I actually dreamed a really good story, and not just like the idea or concept of a story in general. Anyway, this is starting to confuse me so I will skip to the chase... I woke up and forgot 99% of the dream, so I lost the story I had invented. In fact, the only thing I can remember was how awesome the story would have been had I not forgotten what it was.

On the 30 day experiment... I am up to running 3.5 miles now, in 20 minutes. I will do a complete post about my progress at a later date, or maybe at the end of the 30 days.

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