Monday, September 17, 2007

Have I gotten lazy? No. I overblogged 2 weeks ago becasue I knew my schedule would be odd for a bit. I skipped work last Monday to recover from "vacation hangover". Wednesday, I worked all day, then went back in at 11p for a migration, and ended up staying until 11a Thursday. So when I went back on Friday, my whole self was out of sorts. Then I had hockey Saturday night, and Sunday is football.

It is interesting how a few changes to a normal routine can throw everything into disarray. Perhaps its possible that the effects are more profound as I get older, but I noticed the same type of phenomena when I was younger. Going to sleep at the completely wrong time seems to cause the biggest disrpuption. You ever go to bed super early one day, like in the afternoon, then wake up the night, but after its dark, and you are so disoriented you can't even figure out where you are or what day it is? It is really shitty, but at the same time it is kinda fun. It seems like eating on an altered schedule a few times in a row makes things go odd as well. Anyway, I really have nothing to offer, just offering depiction of why the blog has been sparse for a fortnight.

I am still suffering from all the wackyness, I suppose. Hopefully, I can get back to normal soon. I know next week I have one late work night, so I am not out of the woods just yet.

Perhaps I need another vacation 8->

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