Sunday, July 29, 2007

I do not put much thought into the spread of germs, viruses, bacteria, and whatnot. When it comes these subjects, I sort of take a caveman approach to them. Cavemen did not understand any of those things, so they were pretty much oblivious to how easily germs can spread, and they turned out okay. It does not take much human interaction for the transmittal of germs from one person to another. I would wager that a lot of these germs spreading are due to children. Children go to school and obtain various germs, than carry them home to their parents, who then retransmit them to co-workers and friends.

The reason I bring this up is because Friday I was sitting at work browsing the interwebs, when all of sudden, I felt not quite right. I could not exactly pinpoint what was wrong, but something was. A few minutes later, I felt a odd discomfort at the back of my nasal region, where your nose holes connect with your throat. It hit like a ton of bricks, one second I was fine, the next, I felt like shiznit. I left work a little early and came home to rest. I figured if I had some sort of bug, the best way to get rid of it would be to kill it with alcohol, so I drank a bunch of whiskey. I am not sure if it helped fix anything, but it sure made me feel better 8-).

The next morning it was 10 times worse. When I spoke, almost no sound came out, and I was hocking up huge chunks of yellowy browny clumpy junk, with a little bit of blood in it. Yuck. I went on through my daily routine without taking any medicine, because I had a hockey game later that night. Hockey usually makes me feel better and overcome any sickness, because I sweat most of it out.

Anyway, when I got to hockey, another guy on the team had the exact same symptoms and got them at exactly the same time frame as I did. So we both pretty much had to get it from the same place. The last place we were both at was hockey on Thursday night. I finally figured out that after the game, in the handshake line, I touched about 30 different people. I was in a such a hurry to get out of there after the game, that I did not wash my hand or anything. Bam, that had to be it. I touched a bunch of people's hands, then I got sick. How easy is that? Germs are pretty bad ass when you think about it.

I didn't come across this magical revelation until I was half way through the handshake line of Saturday night's game. I immediately went to the locker room and washed my hands really well. I even used my shirt to open the bathroom door on the way out so as not to risk and more germs.

Usually I do not retain these types of lessons, and I suspect in a few weeks, I will be back to my normal activity of not washing my hands immediately after the game, but I am going to try really hard to implement it as part of the routine.

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