Monday, February 9, 2009

Wow, forgot to post. Anyway, every once in a while I feel sort of "in tune" with some kinda weird wavelength, and experience a bunch of bizarre coincidences. I may have posted about it before, can't remember. I am in that phase now, and I may have inadvertently killed an innocent fish because of it. A seemingly otherwise perfectly healthy fish. Bongs, Police Academy, and lots of other weird random shit has popped up out of no where and linked directly to some other very recent conversation or experience. It always makes me feel weird when I experience these phases. Maybe I will expand more later, or not. Who cares.

Since my last post I went to Las Vegas again. It was a fucking blast. I cannot express how fun that place is. I am already sort of planning another trip out there. I had a free room, and I had money in my vacation fund to cover the flight. So basically I went for free. We saw 3 shows that we have seen before so nothing interesting to report on that front. I did enjoy sportsbetting tremendously.

I also received the parts and begin my kegerator build out. I will do a post dedicated to that when I get around to it. I also brewed two 5 gallon batches of beer in preparation for finishing the build. That should be good times.

Anyhoo, I'm getting back into the swing of things, so I should get more regular on posting. I have a lot of fuel for posts, I have just been forgetting to do it. I have a reminder in Outlook but it makes me mad when I have to his postpone every time. Yet, I can't always just stop what I am doing and post. I tried to set the reminder to a time when I would be doing nothing, but I am always doing something, so phucket, Charlie Bucket. I guess I'll just post when I damn well feel like it.

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