Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I have noticed that I seem to have high amounts of stress and anxiety. Maybe I don't, but I feel like maybe I do. The problem here is that I really don't have anything to be stressed about in my opinion, so I guess its more just feelings of anxiety more so than stress. When I sit around and think about why I am feeling anxious, I never can come up with anything. I am a bit of an oddball I suppose, and my mind works in really strange ways. I have the strangest thoughts and ideas and at really strange times, and I am always a thinking into the future, at least one hour. Being ahead of myself is, I think, a good personality trait because I always been able to sort of "see" into the future metaphorically speaking, not literally of course. I have always been able to think this way, and at the same time, manage the present. I think that as get older, I am starting to think a little bit farther into the future, while still thinking about the near future, and the present, which perhaps is overloading my brain a little bit, thus causing undue anxiety.

To combat this, I am going to explore some sort of meditation. I am not converting into one of those new age holistic healing hippy type people or anything, I just realize that I am truly happy and stress and anxiety free when I am sleeping or on vacation. I think that through some light meditation techniques, I should be able to clear my mind and perhaps chill out a little bit. I can definitively say that there is nothing mentally wrong with me, I just kinda feel like I need a vacation, or I need to take a day off from work and sleep for 24 hours to "reset". The only issue becomes if I feel that way for a long period of time. Anyhoo, I don't even really know that "meditation" is the correct word for what I need to explore, I just need to come up with a way to "escape" a bit and clear my thoughts more often, preferably without having to spend much money or travel too far.

I will post more about this after I find a book or two on the subject and have done some research, and maybe tried out some stuff.


On a completely different subject, I bought my special lady friend a new vacuum cleaner. After doing the endless hours of research I tend to do before buying something, I went with the Dyson DC15 All-Floors. Check it out:

I wanted to get the "Animal" version, but it was 150 dollars more, and the only thing it would get me on top of the all floors model was the mini turbine head. I found the mini turbine head on ebay for around 25 bucks, so it was a no brainer. Also, the Dysons now all come with a FREE 5 year parts and labor warranty, and you can get the work done locally at just about any vacuum cleaner shop. So my total expense out of pocket after the mini turbine head and taxes and all that came out to right around $500. The high end consumer Hoover model I looked at was around 350-400$ after tax, so this was really not that much more, and in my opinion, a far superior product.

It is a wicked, and I would highly recommend it to anyone in the market for new vacuum cleaner.

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