Saturday, January 13, 2007

I am 100% full on sick. I think I enjoy being sick. My body feels like I got kicked repeatedly, but my mind is still 90%. Plus, you can walk around all strung out on meds and no one seems to care or shun you for it. I am also intrigued by the concept of the placebo.

[1 a : a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder b : an inert or innocuous substance used especially in controlled experiments testing the efficacy of another substance (as a drug)]

Placebos can be quite powerful. The concept of the placebo is usually that the subject does not know that what they are taking is actually nothing, but as for me, I have been pretty successful in convincing myself that something innocuous can be helpful.

Whenever I get sick, or even feel like I might get sick, and in some cases after only being around people that might make me sick, I start a steady regimen of Dayquil 3 times a day, and Nyquil shortly before bed. I firmly believe that if I do this, it will make me better. I know that Nyquil is certainly not a cure for everything, but if I believe it in my head, then it somehow magically becomes true. I suppose you could say it is mind over matter, which I am a firm believer in.

Also, I never go to the doctor. If I am bleeding profusely from the ears or something, I might go to the ER, but I certainly don't go for colds, flu, pneumonia, etc.. In fact, the last time I went to the doctor, I was 19 years old, and my tonsils were black! I felt as if I had no option, so I went. The doctor gave me some crap that made me vomit a whole lot, so it wasn't very cool. After getting the right meds, I got better, but I kind of think I would have gotten better anyway. The last time I had been to the doctor before that was when I was 12 and had mononucleosis. So in the last 20 years, I have gone to the doctor only once. I guess this means that people that go to the doctor every time they get sick are puny little retards.

Another thing that cracks me up on this subject is the age old myth about wearing a coat when it is cold outside. When you are little, your parents tell you to not go outside without a jacket, or you will catch a cold. Somehow, this bullshit has been propagated from generation to generation, and now people equate being out in the cold air, with getting sick. OK people, listen up. GERMS CAUSE SICKNESS, NOT THE AIR TEMPERATURE!

What does this all mean? I don't have a clue, and I don't care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doctors are useful for drugs.

What about hypothermia? I also bet extreme cold weakens the immune system somehow. Wear a jacket!

I too have a cold or some shit.. self medication works wonders though. Keep drinking hot tea, always works for me.